free offerings for you
Japa mantra
I wanted to share this little Japa practice with you all, it’s the first sentence, Verse 10 from the Rudram Mantra. We chant Rudram so our Karmas may become our blessings and I can personally share for me, that chanting this mantra everyday has been a blessing for me.
maha shivaratri 2024
A guided recording of Maha shivratri practice in March 2024 from Kerala, India.
Yoga nidra
A 10 minute Yoga Nidra recording you can download and practice to you anywhere, anytime.
Gayatri pranayama
A recorded guided practice of the Gayatri Upasana with Gayatri mantra with Pranayama, japa and a Sankalpa (intention/vow)
“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.”