


Judes and Sahaja Yoga Mats That Gives Back were the worlds first certified B Corporation on the Gold Coast as well as yoga studio. Due to the rising cost of B Corporation memberships, we decided to let our membership go in 2024.. We were born as social enterprising companies, businesses for good, before we ever were certified B Corporations and we will continue to live and embody those principals. We just felt the membership costs could be better used by us to contribute to the betterment of others instead and to be used were it was most needed. Both our companies were born from our Founding Light Giver, Judes, with the intention to pay forward the love, support and "light" she received during her times of darkness.  Inspired by her one of her teachers, Shiva Rea, who introduced her to the term "Sahaja", Judes wanted to make a social impact on the world by giving through energy activism with products that we're eco-friendly, with a purpose and through yoga.

Judes’s core belief and values is community, love and to give to others, because we can.  Judes, a yoga teacher, is thankful everyday as she has a roof over her head, fresh water to drink, daily showers, clean clothes and is surrounded by a wonderful family and epic friends. However as an ERTY1500+ yoga teacher previously living in Los Angeles, Judes experienced many years of mental and emotional abuse from a former yoga teacher. It was a devastating experienced that shattered her life and for a time she had to live with friends, as she didn't have a home nor income to pay rent.  She wasn't sure when the next pay check would come in, she shopped at the dollar store and for the first time in her life, she experienced a real personal struggle, mentally, emotionally as well as financially. Upon moving back home to Australia to be with her family, Judes was diagnosed with PTSD and ended up having the battle of her life for her mental health. Through this traumatic experience it cracked her heart wide open and it helped her to be more understanding and have more compassion for others.

Everyone can contribute to another persons life (and yes there are times that we don't feel comfortable giving money to causes or going to charity events) and this is what makes Sahaja so much fun! You don't have to give anything, we do it on your behalf every time you show up to a full price class. The same goes when you buy a Sahaja Yoga Mat, you aren't just buying a yoga mat for yourself, you are becoming a light giver. That's the beauty of our social enterprises, you are purchasing a product that benefits all, you included.

Our intention is to continue to give always, both locally and within domestic communities here in Australia, as well as abroad.  We are formally committed to donate the equivalent of 2% of revenues or more to charitable partners each year (including in kind product donations). This is just the beginning of our journey and we are super excited!  Come join us, as we light up the world with love, laughter and light!

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To Be a light unto yourself is to realize the light within us – literally our solar-charged cells as well as the power of realization – to awaken from within and connect beyond our limited perception.
— Shiva Rea