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 Meet Our Founder


Judes Yang, Chief LIght giver of Sahaja Yoga Mats THAT GIVES BACK

 Judes is an international yoga teacher with over 14000 teaching hours and has been teaching full time since 2005, when she left a corporate job in Sydney and moved overseas to fulfill her calling. She was living an "Eat pray love" life way before the book was published and still lives her life from a place of purpose, service and grace. Judes is a certified Master Sattva Yoga: Himalayan Kundalini teacher with over 1000 hours of learnings from the Sattva Yoga Academy in the Vedantic yoga traditions and teaches what was shared to her by her teacher, Master teacher Anand Mehrotra. She is also a Sattva Jyotish, Vedic Astrologer and loves this phenomenal wisdom that comes from the Vedas. Judes has been creating personalised 40 day practices for students based on their Vedic Astrology chart to support them in tapping into their highest potentials.

Judes has studied and trained for many years in Prana Vinyasa Flow with Shiva Rea, and is also trained in yoga with Sarah Powers and Joe Barnett, Vedic Meditation with Thom Knowles, Barre+, Lagree Fitness, 26 & 2 Hot Yoga, Hot Pilates, Inside Flow yoga with Young Ho Kim, Baron Baptist, Seane Corn, HarJiwan, Guru Jagat, Himalayan Siddha Akshar, Master Ishaputra, Bryan Kest, and her Vedic Chanting teacher Shantala Sriramaiah. Jude is first and foremost a student. She continues to further her education each year as a student and teacher.

Judes is currently studying Vedic Counselling with David Frawley to better serve and support her students and privates clients, with more personalised programs that is relevant to their current time and in the middle of Vedic Chanting Teacher training. Judes is also a Lululemon Gold Coast ambassador. She is excited to create magic and amplify our community with the amazing Lulu team and teaches the following styles: Sattva Yoga: Himalayan Kundalini, Prana Vinyasa Flow, Yin Yoga, Hatha, restorative, Breathwork, Himalayan Meditation, Mantra/chanting & hot yoga. She is also an avid potter and loves the meditative presence it brings.

Judes teaches personalised bespoke group classes, corporate and private one on one classes. She also runs retreats and initiates people into Sattva Himalayan meditation, who are ready to receive their own personal mantras in the Sattva himalayan meditation technique direct from the Himalayas.

Judes has been training yoga teachers since 2009 and trains conscious leaders through the State of Sahaja 350 hour teacher trainings and 50 hour yin yoga training.

Book Judes

If you'd like book a session with Judes or have her facilitate a workshop, collaborations, teach a corporate workshop, please email or fill out the form provided.

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