Monthly Shivaratri Practice


Monthly Shivaratri Practice


Free Shivaratri Classes

Please join Judes each month for Shivaratri.

Next classes: Friday July 5th 6pm, AEST

Saturday August 3rd 530pm, AEST | Monday 2nd September 6pm, AEST

Amavasya is the dark moon day, in the waning phase of the moon where each month the moon loses more and more light before the sun and moon become conjunct again to restart the new moon to full moon cycle.  The dark night is also Shiva’s night, a supportive time for liberation or dissolution. Shivaratri occurs every month on the 14th day of lunar month just before the moon shifts to a new moon.  It is a wonderful opportunity to access your devotional character and reverence.

For the rest of 2024 Judes will be teaching a monthly Shivaratri practice online. It will be a 35 minute practice of Pranayama’s, Kriyas, Mantra, Japa meditation. We will be chanting 108 round of Om Namah Shivaya. A renowned mantra that balances all the elements within. 

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