
class types


 Yoga with judes 

We feel that we are all one and that no matter our body type or level of practice, we can all practiCe together in the same room, just to the depth that is suitable for our own body.

Yoga means union and is about realising, self. We don’t want to separate styles as no style is better and we definitely don’t want to make anyone feeling less than or better than another, as we are all equal.

At State of Sahaja with Judes, as a teacher (space holders) she uses creative and intelligence sequencing as well as follows the vinyasa kramas so that each person in the room can experience the yoga to the capacity of their body. Think of kramas as layers or steps. Like a baby learns to crawl before they run, yoga has the same philosophy. We build our foundations and when the practitioner feels ready to go to the next level, they can, however we can all practice in the same class. We encourage students to listen to their own bodies. Classes with Judes are integrative not just asana, physical focus, as yoga is so much more than asanas.




Hatha yoga, static holds, with some gentle vinyasa, breathing & meditation.

Great for all age groups, beginners and all levels.

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Longer holds supported with yoga props. More mindful and meditative.

Great for all age group, beginners and all levels.

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A time to reflect and observe body, mind and breath in a group sit.

Great for all age groups and levels.

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Himalayan Kundalini is an integrated holistic practice of breathwork, kriyas, asanas & meditation. A contemporary evolution in science and mind-body research as taught by our teacher Anand Mehrota.

Great for all age groups, beginners and all levels.

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sound & Gong baths

Sound bowls played live in class or end of classes, to nourish the cells.

Great for all age groups and levels.

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No need to wait for a full moon or new moon to honour this radiant planet. Monday is Moon day. Moon practice consists of Pranayamas, meditation & mindful moon sequence.

Great for all age groups and levels.


To book in for a class, please email Judes today.

Service creates permanent love and friendship. Self-discipline creates grace. And the neutral mind creates wisdom.
These are the rules of life.
— Yogi Bhajan